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Data Formats

Meaning and Message

Data formats depict different types of numeric and linguistic data.

Global Rules

  • ‍Only valid characters are allowed to be typed into Input Fields.
  • ‍Input Fields should be programmed to prevent unapproved/disallowed characters.
  • Example: A user cannot type numbers in a name field. If they do, nothing will show up in the field.

  • ‍Auto formatting should occur with its appropriate input type.
  • Example: when entering phone number, field should auto format the users input as they are typing to (###)###-####.

  • ‍Typing stops when maximum characters are reached. When a user reaches the max allowed characters, there should be a clear visual indicator accompanied with brief message.
  • Example: <max limit="160" reached="">... <∕max>

  • ‍Allow exceptions for special name formatting.
  • Example: McElroy, O'Henry, vanDemeer, D'arcy, Shaw-Smith, etc.

  • ‍Allow for French & Spanish language special characters.
  • Example: é, è, í, ì, ç, ñ, etc.

  • ‍Use Title/Initial Caps for the following:
    1. Column headers
    2. Menu items
    3. Buttons
    4. Labels
    5. Section titles and subtitles
    6. Tabs

Specific Data Rules - US & Canada

Address Data

Solution Number (SOL)ANANA
  • Delete leading space
  • Capitalize all letters
  • No spaces
  • Alpha Numeric Entry
  • Maximum input = 5 characters
  • Maximum display = 5 characters
  • Delete leading space
  • Capitalize all letters
  • No spaces
  • Alpha characters only (ABCD)
  • Maximum input = 4 characters
  • Maximum display = 4 characters
First Name (US & CAN)Aabcdefg
  • Delete leading space
  • Capitalize first letter
  • Cannot be blank and cannot contain all spaces
  • Maximum length = 25 characters
  • Alpha characters Aa-Zz
  • No leading spaces
  • Special characters allowed:
    • Hyphen
    • Apostrophe
    • Period
    • Spaces allowed after first letter is entered​
Middle Name (US & CAN)Aabcdefg
  • Delete leading space
  • Capitalize first letter
  • Alpha characters Aa-Zz
  • Maximum length = 20 characters
  • No leading spaces
  • Special characters allowed:
    • Hyphen
    • Apostrophe
    • Period
    • Spaces allowed after first letter is entered​
Middle Initial (US & CAN)A
  • Capitalize initial
  • Alpha characters Aa-Zz
  • One character
Last Name (US & CAN)Aabcdefg
  • Delete leading space
  • Capitalize first letter
  • Cannot be blank and cannot contain all spaces
  • Maximum length = 20 characters
  • Alpha characters Aa-Zz
  • No leading spaces
  • Special characters allowed:
    • Hyphen
    • Apostrophe
    • Period
    • Spaces allowed after first letter is entered​
Address 2 (US & CAN)1234 Aabcdefg
  • Delete leading space
  • Capitalize first letter
  • Maximum length = 50 characters
  • Alpha Numeric entry
  • Special characters allowed:
    • Hyphen
    • Apostrophe
    • Period
    • Hashtag/Number Symbol​
City (US)Aabcdefg
  • Delete leading space
  • Capitalize first letter
  • Maximum length = 25 characters
  • Alpha characters only
  • Special characters allowed:
    • Hyphen
    • Apostrophe
    • Period
State Abbreviation (US)​AA
  • Always 2 characters in length
  • Capitalize both letters
  • No spaces
  • State list should always be alphabetized by state abbreviation not state name
  • Maximum length = 2 characters
  • Alpha characters only
State Name (US)​



  • Delete leading space
  • Title Casing
  • State list alphabetized A-Z by state name, not abbreviation
  • Used both in select menus and fields
  • Abbreviation used only is very specific use cases
  • Maximum length = 15 characters
Province Abbreviation (CA)​​AA
  • Always 2 characters in length
  • Capitalize both letters
  • No spaces
  • Province list should always be alphabetized by province abbreviation not province​ name
  • Maximum length = 2 characters
  • Alpha characters only
Province (Canada)​​



  • Capitalize first letters
  • Province list should always be alphabetized by Province name
  • Use full name in both select menus and fields
  • Abbreviation used only in very specific use cases​
  • Translation occurs between TurboApps and Home office for the following two provinces:
    • Postal Abbr = NL;
    • PFS Home Office Abbr = NF
    • Postal Abbr = QC;
    • PFS Home Office Abbr = PQ
  • Maximum length = 20 characters
Country (US & CAN)​​AA
  • Delete leading space
  • Capitalize abbreviation of US
  • Capitalize first letter of Canada
  • None
Phone Number (US & CAN)​​(123) 000-0000
  • Numeric character input only
  • Return displays parenthesis used to separate area code
  • Return display contains dashes to separate exchange, and number
  • Field auto-formats while typing
  • Must contain 10 digits (0-10)​​
  • Special characters allowed on return display only:
    • Hyphen/dash
Zip Code (US)​​

0 or if including + 4 digits:

00000-0000 *


  • Minimum field length is always 5 numeric digits.​​
  • Valid lengths are 5 or 9 digits​​
  • Cannot contain more than 9 digits​
  • Special characters allowed:
    • Hyphen/dash
    • Cannot contain data other than numerical digits (0 – 9)
    • No spaces allowed​
Postal Code (Canada)​​ANA NAN
  • Must be alpha-numeric-alpha SPACE numeric-alpha-numeric.
  • Alpha characters must be UPPER CASE
  • Field length is always 6​​
  • (No spaces allowed)​​
  • Cannot contain more than 9 digits​
  • 1st char of Postal Code will match Province. Province is selected in application:
    • NL(NL) = A
    • NS = B
    • PE = C​
    • NB = E
    • QC/PQ = G/H/J
    • ON = K/L/M/N/P
    • MB = R
    • SK = S​
    • AB = T
    • BC = V
    • NU/NT = X​
    • YT = Y​
    • No special characters allowed​​

Financial Data

SSN (US)000-00-0000
  • If it's being pulled in from the backend/servers
    • Renders as: •••••1234
    • User cannot update field unless it is done in the appropriate app/place
  • As the user enters numbers into the SSN field, each number is immediately masked with a bullet [ • ]
  • When the user has successfully finished entering all digits into the SSN field, all the numbers entered should be masked with bullets [ • ], and a circle checkmark icon will display in Green (Green 500 | Hex #0B8D1F | RGB 11-141-31) aligned at the right-hand side of the input line. Also, while the field is still on-focus, the input line will display in Green (Green 500 | Hex#08BD1F | RGB 11-141-31) at 2px thickness.


  • When user navigates back to the page
    • Renders as: •••••1234
  • When user focuses into the field
    • Field clears out all values and user will have to retype full SSN
  • Field length always 9 numeric digits.
  • Cannot be all same digits (e.g. 222-22-2222)
  • Cannot contain continuous, sequential numbers from
  • 1 to 9 or 9 to 1 (i.e. 123-45-6789, 9876-54-321)
  • Cannot contain data other than numerical digits (0-9)
  • Restricted numbers beginning with 666, 000.
  • Cannot contain 9 as the first number.
  • Last four digits cannot be zeros (0000).
SIN (CAN)000-000-000
  • None
  • The SIN number for Canada validation uses the Modulas 10 validation method
Currency (US & CAN)$000,000.00
  • Display auto-formats number with commas (,) while user is typing
  • Display "$" Inside input field (dollar sign input not allowed)
  • Field length is variable and will be defined for each currency field value.
  • Store data per product requirements​
  • Allow special character entry defined per product requirements:
    • Decimal
  • None​
  • Numeric data (0-9) only
  • No more than 3 digits in length
  • User should always be promoted to verify any age over 100 years
  • No spaces
  • All devices will use the Date/Time Picker component. * View is still being defined *
  • Dates available to pick will be dynamic based on the number of days in Month
  • Verify Leap Year if 2/29 selected
  • MM = 01 through 12
  • DD = 01 through 31
  • YYYY = Current year minus 100 years
  • DD and MM max numeric length = 2
  • YYYY max numeric length = 4
Date of Birth (US & CAN)MM/DD/YYYY
  • All devices will use the Date/Time Picker component. * Component is still being defined *
  • Date will be formatted/viewed in ONE field, NOT multiple fields
  • Date must be past date
  • MM = 01 through 12
  • DD = 01 through 31
  • YYYY = Current year minus 100 years
Driver’s LicenseAa123aa123
  • Alpha-Numeric entry
  • No special characters with the exception of asterisks.
Email Address (US & CAN)
  • Must contain some combination of the following:
    • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Numbers 0-9
    • Period/Dot, Dash/Hyphen
  • May contain multiple periods/dots if separated by alpha-numeric characters​
  • Local part (to the left of @)
  • Cannot contain spaces
  • Period cannot be first or last character in the Local name
  • Must contain some combination of the following:
    • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Numbers 0-9
    • Period/Dot, Underscore, Dash/Hyphen
    • Must contain only one @ symbol
    • Domain part (to the right of @)
    • Cannot contain spaces
    • Period cannot be first or last character in the Domain name
Bank Draft – Transit Number (US)​123456789
  • Must be 9 digits
  • Numeric Only
  • No special characters
  • Validation Algorithm:
    • Multiply 1st char by 3
    • Multiply 2nd char by 7
    • Multiply 3rd char by 1
    • Multiply 4th char by 3
    • Multiply 5th char by 7
    • Multiply 6th char by 1
    • Multiply 7th char by 3
    • Multiply 8th char by 7
    • Add all the totals together
    • Divide that total by 10 giving an amount, and remainder
    • If the reminder is 0, then that is the check digit
    • Otherwise, subtract the remainder from 10 and that answer is the check digit
    • No sequential numbers can be entered (i.e. 123456789)
    • Cannot enter all Zeroes
    • If US, transit # must start with 01 thru 32 or 90
    • No Canadian transit numbers can be entered for US applicants
Bank Draft – Routing Number (CAN)​12345-678
  • Must be 8 digits (5 dash 3)
  • Numeric Only
  • No special characters
  • No validation algorithm for Canada
  • No sequential numbers can be entered (i.e. 123456789)
  • Cannot enter all Zeroes
  • No US transit numbers can be entered for Canada applicants
  • Once enter the first 5 digits, cursor automatically jumps to the next field
Bank Draft – Account Number (US)​​123456789012345678
  • Up to 19 digits in length
  • Numeric only
  • No special characters
  • No sequential numbers can be entered (i.e. 123456789)
  • Cannot enter all Zeroes
Bank Draft – Account Number (CAN)​​1234567890123456789
  • Up to 19 digits in length
  • Numeric only
  • No special characters
  • No sequential numbers can be entered (i.e. 123456789)
  • Cannot enter all Zeroes