Data Formats
Meaning and Message
Data formats depict different types of numeric and linguistic data.
Global Rules
- Only valid characters are allowed to be typed into Input Fields.
- Input Fields should be programmed to prevent unapproved/disallowed characters.
- Auto formatting should occur with its appropriate input type.
- Typing stops when maximum characters are reached. When a user reaches the max allowed characters, there should be a clear visual indicator accompanied with brief message.
- Allow exceptions for special name formatting.
- Allow for French & Spanish language special characters.
- Use Title/Initial Caps for the following:
- Column headers
- Menu items
- Buttons
- Labels
- Section titles and subtitles
- Tabs
Example: A user cannot type numbers in a name field. If they do, nothing will show up in the field.
Example: when entering phone number, field should auto format the users input as they are typing to (###)###-####.
Example: <max limit="160" reached="">... <∕max>
Example: McElroy, O'Henry, vanDemeer, D'arcy, Shaw-Smith, etc.
Example: é, è, í, ì, ç, ñ, etc.
Specific Data Rules - US & Canada
Address Data
Solution Number (SOL) | ANANA |
Title | XXXX |
First Name (US & CAN) | Aabcdefg |
Middle Name (US & CAN) | Aabcdefg |
Middle Initial (US & CAN) | A |
Last Name (US & CAN) | Aabcdefg |
Address 2 (US & CAN) | 1234 Aabcdefg |
City (US) | Aabcdefg |
State Abbreviation (US) | AA |
State Name (US) | Aabcdefg Aabcdefg |
Province Abbreviation (CA) | AA |
Province (Canada) | Aabbccddeeff Aabbccdd |
Country (US & CAN) | AA |
Phone Number (US & CAN) | (123) 000-0000 |
Zip Code (US) | 0 or if including + 4 digits: 00000-0000 * NNNNN |
Postal Code (Canada) | ANA NAN |
Financial Data
SSN (US) | 000-00-0000 |
SIN (CAN) | 000-000-000 |
Currency (US & CAN) | $000,000.00 |
Age (US & CAN) | NNN |
Date (US & CAN) | MM/DD/YYYY |
Date of Birth (US & CAN) | MM/DD/YYYY |
Driver’s License | Aa123aa123 |
Email Address (US & CAN) | |
Bank Draft – Transit Number (US) | 123456789 |
Bank Draft – Routing Number (CAN) | 12345-678 |
Bank Draft – Account Number (US) | 123456789012345678 |
Bank Draft – Account Number (CAN) | 1234567890123456789 |